Friday, 30 November 2012

Term 4 Week 7 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's Star of the Week is William F.
Ka wani ke, William, it's great to have you in Room 13.

This morning two reading groups presented plays to Room 13 and Room 3. We were all very impressed at how well they performed and with their fantastic props. Ka pai, Kakapo and Tui Groups, you were awesome. You certainly put the lessons you learnt from our production into practice today.

Danny, William F, Elliott, Ethan, William T, Wil, and Isaac in
Free to a Good Home

Harrison, Ben, Maia, Liam, and Isla in
The Dragon

Only 2 weeks left of the 2012 school year! 
*We will be making a Christmas diorama next week. Each child will need a shoe box with a (detachable) lid. Please bring to school on Monday.
*School Assembly on Monday.
*Student Led Conferences Monday afternoon (for 17 children).
*Junior Jesus Meal - a note will be sent home about this.
*Year 3 Graduation - Wednesday 12 December, 9am in the Parish Centre. All Junior children will attend, but there will only be room for Year 3 parents and grandparents. More information for Year 3s will be sent home soon.
*End of Year School Mass - Thursday 13 December at 6:30pm. Every child is expected to attend.
*Last day for 2012 - Friday 14 December, finishing at 12:30pm. Class placement for 2013 will be given out then.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Mathlete of the Day

Today's Mathlete of the Day is Luke. Ka pai, Luke.

Next week we will be making a Christmas diorama. Everyone will need a shoe box with a lid (preferably a separate lid). Please bring this to school as soon as possible. Thanks.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Today Harrison received a Gold Mathletics Certificate. He is also our 'Mathlete of the Day'. Ka pai, Harrison.

William T was named 'Player of the Day' for his Touch Rugby team. Well done, William.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Term 4 Week 7 News

We had lots to celebrate today.

Ethan is now 8. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Ethan all the best for the coming year.

Macy was awarded a gold medal at her dancing class last night. Congratulations, Macy.

Danny and Elliott have each earned a GOLD Mathletics Certificate - that is equal to 20 Bronze certificates. Congratulations, Danny and Elliott, this is an amazing achievement.

Elliott also received the 'Mathlete of the Day' Award.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Term 4 Week 7

Today we celebrated Christ the King Day. We had a lovely liturgy in the Prayer Garden to start the celebrations. The next treat was a sausage, then we enjoyed tabloid sports. We each had an ice-block to finish the day. We were in groups with children from other classes for the tabloid sports. Everyone participated and encouraged each other - it was a wonderful way to celebrate our feast day. A special thanks must go to the Year 7s and Year 8s and their teachers for all their planning and organisation. You did an amazing job.

This morning we presented Mathletics Certificates to: Annabel and Danny. Denver, who was away today, was also in the top three for last week. Congratulations.

Denver with her certificate.

Danny is also our Mathlete of the Day. Ka pai, Danny.

On Saturday several Room 13 people played sport. Three people were named 'Player of the Day' for their teams. Congratulations to: Wil - cricket; Paige - T-Ball; and Elliott - cricket. Thanks for bringing your trophies to share with us.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Term 4 Week 6 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's Star of the Week is Christian.
Ka wani ke, Christian, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Another week of swimming is over. A big thank you to everyone who helped out, especially those Dads and Grandads who supervised the boys. We really appreciated it. 

Looking ahead to next week:
*Monday is Christ the King Day when we celebrate our feast day. The celebrations will start at 11am with a liturgy in the Prayer Garden. After this the children will be given a sausage courtesy of the Parent Council (thanks, you are wonderful), and in the afternoon we will have tabloid sports.
Please note that children will be given one sausage so they will need to bring extra food for lunch, as well as morning tea. Children also need to bring shorts, t-shirt, and trainers/sneakers to change into for the sports. It is going to be a fun day for all.
*We will be back into routine from Tuesday, with reading, spelling, and Mathletics on the homework agenda. Thank you for your continued support with homework.
*On Monday 17 children will be bringing home a letter about the booking procedure for their Student Lead Conference. These will be held in Room 13 on Monday 3 December from 3:30pm - 6:30pm. Reports will be sent home on Thursday.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


The swimming is going really well. The Year 3s are enjoying being with the Room 3 children and the Year 2s with Room 12. I have been able to watch everyone in the water and am amazed at how much better and more confident they are since we last swam.
A special THANK YOU to everyone who has helped with getting the children changed after their lessons - we do so appreciate it.
Here's a couple of photos:


Bess and Evelyn
 Our Mathlete of the Day is Bess. Ka pai Bess.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Today we presented four Mathletics Certificates for the top scores of Week 5. Congratulations to: Danny, Annabel, Alex, and George.

Today we were given a special trophy to recognise a Mathlete of the Day. Our first recipient is Annabel. Ka pai Annabel.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

The School Production

 What a fantastic performance by everyone on Wednesday night. Everyone played their part, said their lines clearly and coped with all that happened on the night. I am very proud of Room 13 - they are stars.
Here's some photos and some excerpts from our stories about the production:


Kings Alex and Elliott
Dancer Annabel, Travellers Bess and Macy

Villagers Kate, William T, and Ethan

Travellers Alexandra, Estelle, and Trinity

Last term I was shocked to hear about a production because we would have to wait for ages for it to happen. But at last the night was finally here. I was very nervous because the Kapa Haka group was first. I am in Kapa Haka. Paige

Then finally it was time for our performance. All the Junior kids went inside the curtains and we got ready. All the Year Threes got microphones. Then we got into our freeze-frames and  ... then it was time to start. The curtains opened. I quivered and I shivered but when I saw my Mum and Dad I felt much better. Kate

One bright night something happened ... it was a production. I was a wee bit scared because I was the second person to talk on my own. Evelyn

I liked the kiwi song the best because I always sing it. Alex

I was the first one to go on stage. When I got on stage I did the haka. Christian

I was a traveller. I started at the back of the Aurora Centre. When I got onto the stage we sang 'It's a Busy Time in Bethlehem'. It was fun because I was on the stage for a long time. Ben

One night at the Aurora Centre an enormous crowd of mums and dads were watching the school production. I felt nervous when I did the haka in front of them. Isaac

One night at the Aurora Centre people had an eagle eye on the stage. Two people cam out and said that the show would begin. When the show started with Kapa Haka I felt very nervous because I was one of the leaders. Denver

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Birthday Celebrations

Today Denver turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Denver all the best for the coming year.

The Kapako Reading group have been reading about paper planes. They designed and made their own paper planes then went outside to fly them.
Wil, Danny, William F, Ethan, and William T flying their planes.
Photo taken by Elliott

Production - Wednesday 14 November. Please be in the Green Room at the back of the Aurora Centre by 6:15pm, in your costume. This is going to be a fantastic evening so don't miss it!

Term 4 Week 5

This week we are very busy preparing for our production performance which is on Wednesday 14 November.

We did not have assembly today but we did present Mathletics certificates to our top three mathletes for Week 4. Congratulations to: IsaacHarrison, and Danny.

The cricket season has started. On Saturday Harrison was named 'Player of the Day' for his team. Ka pai, Harrison.

Swimming: Next week we will be swimming. We need help with supervising in the changing rooms, especially in the boys' changing rooms. Please return the blue form, asap, with the days and times you can help. Thank you.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

The School Fair

WOW! What a fantastic fair at school today. It was great to see so many Room 13 people there. A big THANK YOU to the wonderful Parent Council for all your hard work. We do appreciate it.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Term 4 Week 4 'Stars of the Week'

Thank you for having your child at school early this morning so that we could be seated ready for 9am Mass. I am very proud of the children as they showed reverence and behaved beautifully during Mass. We then went straight into production practice, and again the Room 13 children set a great example. I am impressed with how well they have learnt their lines, their moves, and the songs. The performance is going to be amazing - have you got your tickets?

This week everyone is a 'Star of the Week'. Ka pai, Ruma 13.

Today Bess had her 8th birthday. We sang 'Happy Birthday' to her and wished her all the best.

Remember our School Fair is on Sunday, starting at 12md. Our wonderful Parent Council has done an amazing job of preparing for this event. Please support them - and pray for fine weather. See you there.


Today William F had his 8th birthday. We sang 'Happy Birthday' to him. We hope you will enjoy being 8, William.

Wil received his first Silver Mathletics Certificate. Ka pai, Wil

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Touch Rugby 'Players of the Day'

At the end of Tuesday's Touch Rugby games Paige and Isla were named 'Player of the Day' for their respective teams.
Ka pai, Paige and Isla.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Term 4 Week 4

Today Room 13 lead the prayers at our School Assembly. Everyone 'Stepped Up' and participated very well. I am very proud of Room 13 and have had several compliments about their Te Reo pronunciation.  Thank you for your support at home.

Isla was presented with the Special Character Award.
Congratulations, Isla, we are blest to have you in Room 13.

George received certificate at assembly. Ka pai, George.

Only 6 more sleeps until the School Fair. Have you returned your raffle ticket books? There's still a few spaces on the roster for our Coin Toss stall. Please add your name to the roster asap. Thank you for your support with our fair. Please pray for fine weather for Sunday.

Tickets for the School Production go on sale Tuesday morning at the school office. $6 per ticket.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Term 4 Week 3

Today we did not have a 'Star of the Week'. Instead Harrison received a certificate to recognise his improvement and effort in Reading.
Tu meke, Harrison.

Today we wore mufti and donated a gold coin for the Fair.

In writing we are trying to make our stories more interesting. We were focusing on trying to show rather than tell. Here are some of our examples. See if you can work out what we are showing.

It was boiling outside I was sweating so bad. The grass was brown and orange. Wil

In the sky there was round puffy, white sheep. I wish I could cuddle them and jump on them. Estelle

There was a purple eight armed sucking monster in the sea. Denver

There were fluffy cotton balls in the sky. Trinity

There were white, white flakes floating to the ground. Ben

It was boiling hot outside. Christian

*Monday: 12md - Room 13 leading prayers at the School Assembly
*Friday: 9am Mass - Room 13 will attend Mass. Please be at school before 8:45am
*Sunday: 12md - School Fair. Please put your name down to help with our stall. If you have not yet returned your raffle tickets, please bring them on Monday.
Enjoy your weekend.

Touch Rugby 'Player of the Day'

At the end of Tuesday's Touch Rugby game George was named  'Player of the Day' for his team. Ka pai, George.