Monday, 25 June 2012

Term 2 Week 10

At today's School Assembly Luke was awarded a certificate.
Congratulations, Luke, we are proud of you.

On Saturday a number of Room 13 children played sport. This week three were named 'Player of the Day' for their teams. Congratulations to: Paige, William F, and Harrison, who all play rugby. Congratulations to you all.

Thank you to those who had their Student Led Conferences today. I really enjoyed talking to you and I know the children enjoyed sharing their work with you.
In Mathematics we are learning about symmetry. Today we made Olympic torches. We had to make them symmetrical by holding two different pieces of coloured paper together and cutting them out. Then we added some paper details before gluing them onto another piece of paper . Come into our classroom to see them. We think they look fantastic. I am very impressed with everyone's patience and perseverance which enabled us all to complete the torches on one session.

1 comment:

  1. Harrison i like your story . From Elliott
