At today's School Assembly Danny was awarded a certificate.
Congratulations, Danny, we are proud of you.
On Saturday I watched eight Room 13 children play Rugby. They were all amazing. Two people received 'Player of the Day' awards: William F and Ben. Congratulations, boys, you certainly deserved to be recognised for all your hard work on the field.
In our writing we are trying to use adjectives and different sentence starters so our stories are interesting. Here's one sentence from several of today's stories:
Then the other team had the ball and a fast and speedy boy ran up the field. By Kate
My legs were pumping as I raced down the field. By Ethan
I went to let Mum and Dad know what I got from the tooth fairy. By Ciara
One night in the weekend my family went to my Auntie's house for dinner. By Liam
My Mum got her a gift card and a stripy present surprise. By Annabel
I was so close to the goal I shot. By Danny
I dived and I scord. By Christian
Notes for this week:
Thanks to those who have returned the contact information sheet. Please return it even if there are no changes - just initial it so we know you've looked at it.
Thursday: At lunch time the Young Vinnies Group are holding a craft stall. Cost of items - $1 each.
Friday: Parent Council sausage sizzle - $1.50. Order outside the library BEFORE school.
Mums' Night Out - Friday 27 July, 7:30pm at No 4 Bar, Merivale.