Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Our Maths Learning

Great to see people dressing for the weather with their gumboots and raincoats. The forecast is for the rain to continue all week, so please wear gumboots and bring slippers for the classroom.

At Maths we are learning about fractions. Today we made a fraction game, then we played it with a buddy. We had to roll a dice and then place the correct fraction piece onto the 'whole'. We learnt that 2 quarters are the same as a half; 2 eighths are the same as 1 quarter; and 4 eighths is the same as a half.

Liam and Wil
Ciara and Denver

A note about Mathletics - our successful two week trial is over and we are waiting for our payments to be processed so we can continue our learning via this medium. The children will let you know as soon as we are able to log in again.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Term 3 Week 3 Certificate

At today's School Assembly Paige was awarded a certificate.
Congratulations, Paige, we are proud of you.

We had an unusual start to the week, beginning the day with a powhiri to welcome the ladies from the Education Review Office. Then we welcomed Alex into our room. He also received a certificate at the school assembly. We are excited to have you join us and know you will enjoy learning in Room 13, Alex. 

Yesterday Ben was 7. Today we sang 'Happy Birthday' to him. We hope you enjoy being 7 Ben.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Our Writing

We have been imagining what it would be like to be an Olympian. We chose a sport we'd like to play and wrote about the start of the race or game. Here's a snippet from some of the children:

I kept running past the line. I looked back. I looked forward. I didn’t know where I had come. By Maia

Bang! I started to run. My legs are pumping. I’m at the finish line. By Liam

I crouch down waiting for the gun. The referee says, “Ready, set, go.” The gun goes. We are running. By Harrison

When the instructor says, “Go!” I am very nervous but I go speeding through the blue water. By Macy

I’ve got the ball. I’m starting to run but the other team gets in the way. I pass the ball. By Kate

I am at the race. I am feeling scared and worried too. By George

I’m running. My legs are pumping. Come on, come on. I am sprinting and speeding down the line. By Trinity

I keep going. The crowd is screaming. There is no way I can stop now. By Denver

Bang! My heart is going hard and fast. My legs are pounding. My arms are pumping. I’m nearly at the finish line. By Estelle

I am waiting for the whistle. The crowd is cheering. The whistle goes. I am whizzing through the players. By Ethan

I play rugby. When I get the ball and I’m close to the line I always dive. By Christian

Friday, 27 July 2012

Term 3 Week 2 'Star of the Week'

This week's Star of the Week is William F.
Ka wani ke, William, it's great to have you in Room 13.

We have been enjoying using the Mathletics programme. This afternoon 14 people received a Bronze certificate for their results. Congratulations to you all. 

Today we watched a play "Working Holiday". This group made good use of the stage and their expression was fabulous. Ka pai Bess, Wil, Evelyn, Elliot, and Danny.

Notes for next week:
Sunday: Junior School Mass at 9am. Please meet in the quad outside Room 12 at 8:45am.
Monday: ERO visiting Christ the King. Powhiri at 9am. Girls please wear your school pinafore.
School Assembly - 12md; library - 2pm.

Please make a comment on our blog - we love to read your comments on our work.
Have a relaxing weekend.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Principal's Award

Today we wrote about being an Olympic athlete.
Danny received a Principal's Award for his story. Here it is:
I signed in for the Olympics. I signed in for the running races.
I crouched down low. We are starting to run. Now I can see the finish line. I'm really running now. All the runners are behind me now but for one moment a speedy guy came up beside me. Just one more effort. I ran past the speedy guy. I won! I'm wearing a gold medal. I am so proud of myself!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

New Junior School Leaders

This week we elected two new Junior School Leaders: Annabel from Room 13 and Gregor from Room 4. Congratulations, Annabel, we know you will represent us well.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Term 3 Week 2 Assembly Certificate

At today's School Assembly Danny was awarded a certificate.
Congratulations, Danny, we are proud of you.

On Saturday I watched eight Room 13 children play Rugby. They were all amazing. Two people received 'Player of the Day' awards: William F and Ben. Congratulations, boys, you certainly deserved to be recognised for all your hard work on the field.

In our writing we are trying to use adjectives and different sentence starters so our stories are interesting. Here's one sentence from several of today's stories:

Then the other team had the ball and a fast and speedy boy ran up the field. By Kate

My legs were pumping as I raced down the field. By Ethan

I went to let Mum and Dad know what I got from the tooth fairy. By Ciara

One night in the weekend my family went to my Auntie's house for dinner. By Liam

My Mum got her a gift card and a stripy present surprise. By Annabel

I was so close to the goal I shot. By Danny

I dived and I scord. By Christian

Notes for this week:
Thanks to those who have returned the contact information sheet. Please return it even if there are no changes - just initial it so we know you've looked at it.
Thursday: At lunch time the Young Vinnies Group are holding a craft stall. Cost of items - $1 each.
Friday: Parent Council sausage sizzle - $1.50. Order outside the library BEFORE school.
Mums' Night Out - Friday 27 July, 7:30pm at No 4 Bar, Merivale.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Term 3 Week 1 'Star of the Week'

This week's Star of the Week is Maia.
Ka wani ke, Maia, it's great to have you in Room 13.

We have finished the first week of Term 3. It has been great to have everyone settled and focused on their learning despite all the building activity happening outside our classroom.

Thank you for ensuring your child was at school early this morning. This enabled us to get to Mass in good time. The children were amazing in church. I am so proud of them.

The children have been enjoying working on the Mathletics site. This site has lots of activities to help your child's learning in Mathematics. On Wednesday I presented six Bronze Certificates. It would be great to be able to present some Silver Certificates next week. We have one more week of our free trial. Please complete the form sent home on Tuesday and return it, along with $15, before Friday. If you have any questions, please just ask.

Have a relaxing weekend.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Term 3 Week 1 Assembly Certificate

It was great to see you all back at school this morning. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday.
This morning we lead the School Assembly. I am very proud of the way Room 13 Stepped Up - we were only able to practise this morning and the children did an amazing job of leading. I have had several positive comments from other teachers as well. Ka pai Ruma 13.

Two certificates were awarded at assembly.
Estelle received a certificate for her positive attitude. 
Congratulations Estelle, we are proud of you.

William T received the Special Character Award.
Congratulations William, we are blest to have you in Room 13.

This morning we sang 'Happy Birthday' to Maia who turned 7 in the holidays. We hope you have lots of fun being 7, Maia.

Last term several people asked me about Mathletics. This is a web based maths programme which helps improve children's maths. We will be starting this tomorrow with a two week free trial. It does cost, $15 for half a year, but it is well worth it. A letter will be sent home tomorrow outlining what Mathletics is about and how you can access the site. If you have any questions about Mathletics or the cost, please just ask.

The children love to play on the grass, but it is muddy. Please send along a pair or track shoes/runners that can be worn in the mud. A pair of track pants that can be slipped on over shorts for break times then removed before returning to class would also be a great help in keeping our floor clean and mud free.

On Friday we will be attending 9am Mass. So that we can check the roll and be seated in church before Mass starts could everyone please be at school before 8:45am. Thank you.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Term 3

Welcome back to Term 3.
The building renovations have begun on the Rooms 1-3 block. You will not be able to enter the school grounds via that entrance.
What's on this week:
Monday: We are leading the School Assembly. You are welcome to come along - 12md in the church.
Tuesday: Syndicate Singing
Friday: We will be attending 9am Mass - please be at school before 8:45am so we can check the roll and be seated in church before Mass starts.

I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and to hearing about your holidays.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Principal's Award

William F received a Principal's Award for his story about his rugby game. 
Ka wani kei, William.

At my rugby I got Player of the Day because when the ball was passed to me I made my way through by zig-zagging. But it wasn't over, my legs were just getting fired up. My legs started pumping. I raced down the field. I was running and dodging. But just then someone caught up to me. I passed the ball, but they passed back. I dived. I scored. The score went higher. The time was up. We had won!
I trust you enjoyed a quieter start to your day today.