Monday, 16 July 2012

Term 3 Week 1 Assembly Certificate

It was great to see you all back at school this morning. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday.
This morning we lead the School Assembly. I am very proud of the way Room 13 Stepped Up - we were only able to practise this morning and the children did an amazing job of leading. I have had several positive comments from other teachers as well. Ka pai Ruma 13.

Two certificates were awarded at assembly.
Estelle received a certificate for her positive attitude. 
Congratulations Estelle, we are proud of you.

William T received the Special Character Award.
Congratulations William, we are blest to have you in Room 13.

This morning we sang 'Happy Birthday' to Maia who turned 7 in the holidays. We hope you have lots of fun being 7, Maia.

Last term several people asked me about Mathletics. This is a web based maths programme which helps improve children's maths. We will be starting this tomorrow with a two week free trial. It does cost, $15 for half a year, but it is well worth it. A letter will be sent home tomorrow outlining what Mathletics is about and how you can access the site. If you have any questions about Mathletics or the cost, please just ask.

The children love to play on the grass, but it is muddy. Please send along a pair or track shoes/runners that can be worn in the mud. A pair of track pants that can be slipped on over shorts for break times then removed before returning to class would also be a great help in keeping our floor clean and mud free.

On Friday we will be attending 9am Mass. So that we can check the roll and be seated in church before Mass starts could everyone please be at school before 8:45am. Thank you.


  1. AnonymousJuly 31, 2012

    Congratulations William T for getting the special character award
    at assembly from Paige

  2. well done Estelle for getting star of the week From Trinity

  3. Well done Estelle for getting a certificate you deserved it and you are a star. From Alexandra

  4. Well done William T on your special character award from Trinity

  5. Well done estelle nice work from her mum
