Monday, 28 May 2012

Term 2 Week 6 Certificate

At this morning's school assembly Denver received a certificate. Denver is Stepping Up for Success.
Congratulations, Denver, we are proud of you.

Remember school photos tomorrow - come to school looking fresh and clean with a fantastic smile! 


  1. Brian EyresJune 01, 2012

    Hi to everyone!
    I'm Denver's Grandpa writing from Chester in England. I've just found this blogspot and will be keeping up with everyone's work and achievements (especially Denvers'!) now that I know it's here.
    Congratulations on your certificate Denver - your Mum's also sent me photos of you and your baby brother; and you in your hockey kit. It's great to have a Grand-daughter who's clever, sporty AND beautiful!

    PS: Top marks to the school and all your teachers for all their good work.

  2. Brian EyresJune 01, 2012

    This is Denver's Grandpa in England. Congratulations Denver! Thanks too to all the teachers at your school for all the work they do!

  3. AnonymousJune 03, 2012

    Denver I love having you in our class you truly are a star from Maia .

  4. AnonymousJune 28, 2012

    Denver well done for getting a certificate at assembly
    you are a star well done

    from Paige
