Friday, 30 March 2012

Term 1 Week 9 'Star of the Week'

This week's Star of the Week is Estelle.
Estelle always does her best to produce 'Triple Star' work, she listens to and follows instructions, and she is a good role model.
Thank you, Estelle, it's great to have you in Room 13.

We had a really interesting day today. Maia brought in her pet Australian Bearded Dragon, Otis. We were able to stroke him and some of us even held him. Otis stays quite still most of the time, but a couple of times he tried to jump off someone and go for a slow walk. Some of us thought we might like to have a dragon for a pet. Thanks, Maia and Jason, for bringing Otis in to see us.



Tomorrow Annabel is 7. Today we sang 'Happy Birthday' to her. We hope you enjoy being 7, Annabel.

The Young Vinnies Group held a pyjama day to raise money for the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. Nearly everyone, including more than half teachers wore their pyjamas. Check out these photos, taken by Trinity.




Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Run, Jump, Throw Display

What a fantastic day for our Run, Jump, Throw Display. Thank you to everyone who was able to come along and watch us. I really enjoyed seeing the improvement in the jumping technique each time the children jumped over the bar.
I am very proud of Room 13 - they all participated well, encouraged each other, and showed the 'Stepping Up for Success' maxim of CtK and Harrison said grace beautifully. I also enjoyed chatting to some parents at lunch time.
Thanks, Julie and Isla, for the sushi.
Unfortunately I was not able to get some action shots but did managed a couple of picnickers.


Monday, 26 March 2012

Term 1 Week 9 Certificate

At our School Assembly George received a certificate because he is working hard and 'Stepping Up for Success'.
Congratulations, George, we are proud of you.

Remember our Run, Jump, Throw Display tomorrow - Tuesday 27 March - at 11:15am. See you there.
Children, remember your running shoes and shorts.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Term 1 Week 8 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's Star of the Week is William T.
William always does his best and produces 'Triple Star' work. He listens to instructions and knows what to do. William is a super role model.
Thank you, William, it's great to have you in Room 13.

A big THANK YOU for having your child at school in good time this morning. This enabled us to be seated in the church ready for the 9am mass. I am very proud of Room 13, their behaviour in church was amazing.  They also coped well with the change in routine for the blessing from Father. Thank you, Room 13, I am proud to be your teacher.

This morning we had a visit from Rochelle. Rochelle is an ambulance driver with St John. She talked to us about her ambulance and what she does for her job. She also told us how we can get help in an emergency, then we practised dialing 111 and pretending we had to ask for an ambulance. At the end Rochelle gave us a special bag with a pencil, stickers, and a magnet in it. We also got a certificate.
Thanks, Rochelle, we enjoyed learning from you.  



Two reading groups presented plays today:

The Kiwi Group's play was called The Rock in the Road. Alexandra was the mouse; George, the horse, Isla, the dog; Luke, the rabbit; and Harrison, the goat. They gave a fantastic and confident performance. Well done!

The other play was called Landing a Job and was presented by Tui Group. Paige was the Pirate Chief; Macy, the seagull; William F, the pirate; and William T, the parrot. They also gave a great presentation. Well done!

Next Week:
Monday: School Assembly - 12md in the church; Run, Jump, Throw practice - please bring runners and shorts to change into.
Tuesday: Run, Jump, Throw Display - 11:15am at school. We'd love you to come and see what we have been learning this term. Bring your lunch to share with us afterwards. If the weather is not kind, we will hold the Display on Thursday at 11:15am. Check the school website or Facebook page for any postponement.
Friday: Pyjama day - wear your pyjamas and bring a gold coin for the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. This event is run by the Young Vinnies Group. It is NOT a mufti day, either wear pyjamas or uniform.

Have a relaxing weekend.

Principal's Awards

We have been writing descriptions. We choose to describe a member of our family. Two people, Paige and Denver, received Principal's Awards for their writing. Congratulations, Paige and Denver, you are amazing authors. Read their descriptions below.

I have got a little sister. She is 4. Her name is Ellah. She likes butterflies and chocolate. Her favourite activities are painting and counting. She is cute and she laughs a lot. She’s cute when she’s asleep because she cuddles up with her teddy bears and sucks her thumb. She loves kittens. She’s got blonde hair. She likes playing with her friends. My sister is special. But most of all she loves me. Paige

Here is my Granny, my Mum, and me. My Granny loves to spoil me with love. My Granny also spoils me with presents, right down to the ground. She has blond and red hair. Granny is cool. Granny has lots of money. Granny has nearly travelled the world. Now that is a lots of places. She is travelling zoomy, a bit like the sun heating up a person. That’s a cool Grandma right now, isn’t it? She is great, a bit like a famous singer. She has been to New Zealand two times. That’s a lot more times than me. She has been on an aeroplane more than six times of course. Where do you think she works? Well, she works at the hospital. That is a fine place, my friend. Oh it is. She has done a lot of work. She has lots of family, probably 20. That’s a lot. It’s a very big thing. Quite good, hey?
My favourite thing about her is love and she’s very pretty, maybe the prettiest woman in town. She has brown eyes. She always wears earrings.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Here's some of our stories:

Mickey is going to her friend's house today. It will be fun for her. I wish Mickey will have a good time. Paige is going to come to my house to play. It will be fun for me. By Maia

Today my Mum and I are going to the park. It is just across the road from us. I am excited about going to the park but first I am going home with Mum and I will do my homework and of course my reading book. By Alexandra

Next Tuesday the whole Junior Syndicate is doing a Run, Jump, Throw game. Today in the afternoon we will have our first practice in the groups. I am the leader of Group 10. Bess is the tail end Charlie of my group. The leader is supposed to lead the line and Charlie is supposed to make sure that the group is staying together. The middle person is supposed oi make sure there is no gap in the middle of the line. I can't remember who my middle person is. By William F

Monday, 19 March 2012

Term 1 Week 8 Certificate and Special Character

At our School Assembly Trinity received a certificate as she is 'Stepping Up for Success' and making good progress in all areas.
Congratulations, Trinity, we are proud of you.

 William F received the Special Character Award. William is a kind, considerate, and courteous friend. He is a super role model and shows the virtues of our school.
Congratulations, William, we are blest to have you in our room.

I am very proud of Room 13. They lead today's assembly beautifully this morning. Harrison and William F did an amazing job of leading us in the mihi and whakapainga/blessing and the prayers were read in clear voices. Thank you, parents, for your support at home. Room 13 Rocks! 

Yesterday was Elliott's birthday. He is now 7. Today we sang Happy Birthday to Elliott. We hope you enjoy being 7. 

Please remember your running shoes and shorts for tomorrow (Tuesday).

Friday, 16 March 2012

Term 1 Week 7 'Star of the Week'

This week's Star of the Week is Macy.
Macy is a super role model in Room 13. She knows what to do and always produces Triple Star work. Macy has also been a fantastic leader this week.
Thank you, Macy, it's great to have you in Room 13.

Danny received a certificate to celebrate his reading achievement and his positive attitude towards reading. Congratulations, Danny, you are 'Stepping Up for Success'.

Today we celebrated St Patrick's Day. What an amazing sea of green in our room. Check out these photos:




Here's some of our amazing stories:

When I got out of the door it was soaking wet. I raced into the car. Mum was so late to her meeting. It is still freezing cold and there's a blowing wind. You wouldn't like to go for a bike ride on a cold and windy day. By Danny

On Monday I went to the Warehouse. I bought a Barbie with my birthday money. I love it but my brother keeps on taking it from me and he plays with it. He goes to get Ken. It is very funny. By Annabel

Tonight is fish and chip night. Maia and I are going with each other. I am going to the fish and chip shop. I'm meeting up with Sam, Tahylia, Maia, and Libby before going on the field because if we eat on the field we'll loose each other. By Paige

In three day's it is my birthday. It is on the 18th of March. I am turning 7. My Auntie gave me a cheque. The amount of money she gave me was $100! I am going to spend it at Riccarton. By Elliott

Looking ahead to Week 8:
Monday: Room 13 leading school assembly, 12md in the church. Please learn the mihi and blessing (in the back of your poetry book) over the weekend.
Library day changed to Tuesday.
On Monday and Tuesday we are planning to practise our Running, Jumping, and Throwing. Everyone will need to bring their running shoes and the girls will need to bring shorts to change into.
Friday: Room 13 will attend 9am mass. Please be at school before 8:45am so we can take the roll and then be seated in church by 8:55am.

Have a relaxing weekend.