This week's Star of the Week is Liam.
Liam works hard and always tries his best. He is a good listener and follows instructions.
Liam is a positive role model.
Thank you, Liam, it's great to have you in Room 13.
Today Bess received a certificate to recognise her hard work and perseverance this week. She is 'Stepping Up for Success'.
In our Religious Education lessons we have been learning about how Jesus called the Apostles to follow Him. We know that some of the Apostles were fishermen so today we made fishing boats from play dough.
Today we practised leap frog. Some of us found this quite challenging, but we all kept trying to get better. You will be able to see what we can do at our Athletics Display Day, which is now on Tuesday 27 March. A note about this will come home on Monday. Trinity modeled how we should position ourselves so others can safely leap frog over us.
We will be doing some more Running, Jumping, and Throwing practice next week so it would help if children could bring their running shoes to school. Girls should also bring shorts.
Next Week:
Monday: Rice Day Liturgy - 11:45am in the church; Library - 2pm; Spelling homework begins (a note will be sent home with the spelling book).
Tuesday: Syndicate Singing.
Thursday: Parent Council fish 'n' Chip tea in the school grounds - 5pm.
Friday: St Patrick's Day mufti - run by the Parent Council. Wear green and bring an item for the Easter raffle.
Looking ahead:
Monday 19 March: Room 13 to lead School Assembly - 12md in the church.
Friday 23 March: Room 13 to attend 9am mass.
Tuesday 27 March: Junior Syndicate Athletics Display.
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