Friday, 23 March 2012

Term 1 Week 8 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's Star of the Week is William T.
William always does his best and produces 'Triple Star' work. He listens to instructions and knows what to do. William is a super role model.
Thank you, William, it's great to have you in Room 13.

A big THANK YOU for having your child at school in good time this morning. This enabled us to be seated in the church ready for the 9am mass. I am very proud of Room 13, their behaviour in church was amazing.  They also coped well with the change in routine for the blessing from Father. Thank you, Room 13, I am proud to be your teacher.

This morning we had a visit from Rochelle. Rochelle is an ambulance driver with St John. She talked to us about her ambulance and what she does for her job. She also told us how we can get help in an emergency, then we practised dialing 111 and pretending we had to ask for an ambulance. At the end Rochelle gave us a special bag with a pencil, stickers, and a magnet in it. We also got a certificate.
Thanks, Rochelle, we enjoyed learning from you.  



Two reading groups presented plays today:

The Kiwi Group's play was called The Rock in the Road. Alexandra was the mouse; George, the horse, Isla, the dog; Luke, the rabbit; and Harrison, the goat. They gave a fantastic and confident performance. Well done!

The other play was called Landing a Job and was presented by Tui Group. Paige was the Pirate Chief; Macy, the seagull; William F, the pirate; and William T, the parrot. They also gave a great presentation. Well done!

Next Week:
Monday: School Assembly - 12md in the church; Run, Jump, Throw practice - please bring runners and shorts to change into.
Tuesday: Run, Jump, Throw Display - 11:15am at school. We'd love you to come and see what we have been learning this term. Bring your lunch to share with us afterwards. If the weather is not kind, we will hold the Display on Thursday at 11:15am. Check the school website or Facebook page for any postponement.
Friday: Pyjama day - wear your pyjamas and bring a gold coin for the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. This event is run by the Young Vinnies Group. It is NOT a mufti day, either wear pyjamas or uniform.

Have a relaxing weekend.


  1. AnonymousMay 08, 2012

    William T well done of the star of the week!! from Bess and George

  2. AnonymousMay 09, 2012

    Isla the play was beautiful I loved your expression
    playing the dog
    from Paige

  3. AnonymousMay 10, 2012

    Alexandra you are a great friend and stepping up for success. Well done for getting the star of the day. From George

  4. AnonymousMay 29, 2012

    William T You are a star From George and George

  5. AnonymousJune 07, 2012

    Wiilliam T You are so cool From George
