This week's Star of the Week is Macy.
Macy is a super role model in Room 13. She knows what to do and always produces Triple Star work. Macy has also been a fantastic leader this week.
Thank you, Macy, it's great to have you in Room 13.
Danny received a certificate to celebrate his reading achievement and his positive attitude towards reading. Congratulations, Danny, you are 'Stepping Up for Success'.
Today we celebrated St Patrick's Day. What an amazing sea of green in our room. Check out these photos:
Here's some of our amazing stories:
When I got out of the door it was soaking wet. I raced into the car. Mum was so late to her meeting. It is still freezing cold and there's a blowing wind. You wouldn't like to go for a bike ride on a cold and windy day. By Danny
On Monday I went to the Warehouse. I bought a Barbie with my birthday money. I love it but my brother keeps on taking it from me and he plays with it. He goes to get Ken. It is very funny. By Annabel
Tonight is fish and chip night. Maia and I are going with each other. I am going to the fish and chip shop. I'm meeting up with Sam, Tahylia, Maia, and Libby before going on the field because if we eat on the field we'll loose each other. By Paige
In three day's it is my birthday. It is on the 18th of March. I am turning 7. My Auntie gave me a cheque. The amount of money she gave me was $100! I am going to spend it at Riccarton. By Elliott
Looking ahead to Week 8:
Monday: Room 13 leading school assembly, 12md in the church. Please learn the mihi and blessing (in the back of your poetry book) over the weekend.
Library day changed to Tuesday.
On Monday and Tuesday we are planning to practise our Running, Jumping, and Throwing. Everyone will need to bring their running shoes and the girls will need to bring shorts to change into.
Friday: Room 13 will attend 9am mass. Please be at school before 8:45am so we can take the roll and then be seated in church by 8:55am.
Have a relaxing weekend.
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