Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Our Topic: NZ Animals and their Habitats

We continue on our topic 'NZ Animals and their Habitats'.

Yesterday we wrote about our animal.
Alex wrote this riddle: (find the answer at the bottom of this posting)

A Riddle
I’m a naughty bird
I live in the mountains
I play with things.
What am I?

Today we began the Creating stage of our Inquiry Process. We painted our shoe boxes as the background for our dioramas. We also used the computers to type the answers to our questions before creating either a Keynote show or Comic Life document. A big THANK YOU goes to the Room 5 Year 4 students who helped us with our computer skills. Another big THANK YOU goes to Chris for helping us paint.
Here's some photos:


Riddle answer: I am a kea.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing your creations Room 13!
